Mini resolutions for the willpower-less and short attention spanned.

Mini resolutions for the willpower-challenged and short-attention-spanned.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

February Update (1)

The January Cure (done in February) - or JCDiF, as I handily refer to it - states that, after all that categorizing and listing, you just choose ONE project - one! - to do for the month.  Handily, other things one has to do along the way - kitchen sort out, bathroom shelves sort out, files/paper sort out - are things that were on my list, so that has meant that several projects I listed are going to get done without selecting them.  Phew.

So out of the many, many projects I listed, I've chosen the dreaded SPORTS CUPBOARD to do.  And it is dreaded, indeed.  It's an absolute mess.  The "sports" bit comes in the bottom of the cupboard, where a mass of our sports equipment is jumbled, along with a witch's hat & cloak from Hallowe'en, and goodness-knows-what-else.  In the same cupboard we have:
  • A "holiday" box, with various bits and pieces we only use when on holiday or at home - oyster card, foreign money purse, etc.
  • An "electronics" box, with a billion cords, plugs, and things for charging things I don't think we own anymore.
  • Cushions for our outdoor chairs.
  • Bedding and sheets etc. for the upstairs sofabed
  • Linens and candles and various other things we use for hosting and the dinner table.
  • Wool and knitting needles - WHAT?  I had forgotten I even owned these.
  • A hammock I bought in Brazil with a friend in 2000 while there on holiday.  It has never, ever, ever been used.   
In an attempt to force me to do this, I'm shaming myself and putting these up on the Interwebs.  Sigh.  

This cupboard is a disaster. Not honouring the beautiful green lightbulb, that's for sure. I have to say, I don't think it 100% fits in with AT's instructions for how to chose the project - "A project that will make a noticeable difference in either how you use your home (organizing, flow), how something works (repairs) or how things look (decluttering, decorating)" - but it will make me feel better, for sure. TIME TO GET IT DONE

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